The cost of mobile app development in India varies depending on a number of factors, including the complexity of the app, the features and functionality required, the platform(s) targeted, and the experience and expertise of the development team.

At Associative, we offer competitive and affordable mobile app development services in India. We understand that every business has different needs and budgets, so we work closely with our clients to develop a customized solution that meets their specific requirements.

Here is a general overview of the cost of mobile app development in India:

  • Simple apps: $10,000 – $20,000
  • Medium complexity apps: $20,000 – $50,000
  • Complex apps: $50,000 – $100,000 or more

Factors that affect the cost of mobile app development:

  • Complexity of the app: The more complex the app, the more time and resources will be required to develop it, which will result in a higher cost.
  • Features and functionality: The more features and functionality an app has, the higher the cost will be.
  • Platform(s) targeted: Developing an app for multiple platforms will cost more than developing an app for a single platform.
  • Experience and expertise of the development team: A more experienced and expertise development team will charge a higher rate than a less experienced team.

How to get an accurate estimate for your mobile app development project:

The best way to get an accurate estimate for your mobile app development project is to contact a reputable development company and schedule a consultation. The development team will be able to assess your specific needs and requirements, and provide you with a detailed estimate.

Contact Associative today to learn more about our mobile app development services and to get a free estimate for your project.

Mobile App Development in India